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i was playing wow a little bit

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:47 pm
by odielag
I started a new wow classic player on the realm Deviate Delight.
I feel like I've been solo playing. I've only seen one or two other players. But I get the sense that there are other people playing but that I don't see them.

It feels weird because I paid to play the game yet I feel like I'm virtually bleeding into the game to keep it going.

It feels ornerous to run in the game, holding off my doubts and insecurities to try to enjoy it... just to come up to animals in the game and personally I don't feel like killing them yet I don't know how to get ahead in the game if I don't.

I could choose not to kill them but then the only thing for me in the game would be to collect ore which makes the distances I have to go between accomplishments like 1000x+ the distance of getting accomplishments from killing.

I want to roleplay myself in the game but I do not feel like I have enough support.

I tried to find friends to play with but people on my level of sophistication have ample things to do already and probably don't want to spend 3 hours of their life catching up to me just to realize that I have an ornerous way of playing because I like to suck creativity into the way I play.